Available Commands
Helpful Custom Commands you can use in-game:
In Oldschool RO, we strive to enhance your gaming experience with a variety of custom commands. These commands are designed to provide convenience, fun, and additional features to enrich your time in Rune Midgard. Below, you'll find a list of available custom commands you can use in-game.
OldschoolRO Newbie Commands:
@npc: Warps you to specific NPC location.
@quest: Warps you to Quest room.
@dailies: Claim your Daily Reward thru a command.
@request <message>: Send a message to all connected GMs.
OldschoolRO Commands:
@alootid: Allows you to autoloot specific items.
@alootid2: save your autoloot profile.
@aloottype: Allows you to autoloot specific item type.
@autoloot <%>: Enables or disables autolooting items from killed mobs.
@accept: Allows duel invitation.
@autotrade: Allows you to continue vending while offline.
@allskill: Gives your character all skills in their current skill tree.
@commands: Display a list of @ commands available to the player.
@changegm <guild member name>: Changes guild leader.
@changeleader <party member name>: Changes party leader.
@duel: Creates a duel.
@go <city name/number>: Warps you to available city.
@guildstorage: Opens guild storage.
@homtalk <message>: Make your homunculus talk.
@hominfo: Returns info on your homunculus.
@iteminfo <item name/ID>: Displays item information.
@invite <player name>: Invite player in a duel.
@jailtime: Display remaining jail time.
@joinevent: Warps you to a current event location hosted by a GM.
@leave: Leaves the duel.
@me <message>: Displays message in a /me IRC style.
@mobinfo <mob name/ID>: Displays monster information.
@norecall: You'll never be recalled when Emergency Call skill is casted.
@noask: Toggles automatic rejection of deals and invites.
@noks: Toggles Kill Steal Proetection.
@pettalk <message>: Make your pet talk.
@petstats: Show your Pet Statistics.
@rates: Shows the Server EXP and Drop rates.
@reject: Rejects Duel invitation
@request <message>: Send a message to all connected GMs.
@refresh: Synchronizes your position with one stored on the server.
@storage: Opens your storage.
@showexp: Toggles the display of exp gain messages.
@showzeny: Toggles the display of zeny gain messages.
@time: Displays the local server time, along with day/night information.
@warp <map> <x> <y>: Warps you to given map (x and y optional)
@whobuy: searches players shops for given item
@whereis <monster name>: Displays the map in which monster normally spawns.
@whodrops <item name/ID>: Displays a list of mobs which drop the specific item.
OldschoolRO Custom Commands:
@bank: Register, Deposit and Withdraw zenies.
@battleinfo: Shows battle information of Kill, Death and Skill Used.
@chatblock: To block selected player's public chat.
@chatunblock: To unblock selected player's public chat.
@dnd: Toggles do not disturb commands.
@etime: Shows the server event schedules.
@ecall: Allows to use Emergency Call skill thru command.
@gbc: Guild Broadcast Command.
@garbage: Bypass dropping delay but items will disappear when dropped.
@grtime: Shows your Gold Room time.
@guildrank: Shows the guild rankings.
@hold: Enable/Disable waiting.
@ii2: Displays item description.
@inn: Warps you to Prontera Inn.
@invade: Converts your Arena Invasion Points into Gacha Coin.
@nobc: Turn ON/OFF Broadcaster Announcement.
@nocutin: Toggles the Event Notification cutins.
@nolink: Toggles auto link from Healer NPC.
@nobuff: Toggles auto buff from Healer NPC.
@nomission: Toggles surprise mission notification.
@market: Creates a market clone.
@marketkill: Removes your market clone.
@mission: Allows you to check your current mission you've accepted.
@lhz: Warps you to Lighthalzen Biolab Dungeons.
@ltp: Shows your last position on minimap.
@otherworld: Warps you to Otherworld Instance NPC.
@pk: Changes your PK state so that you may attack/be attacked by other players.
@pkbc: Turn ON/OFF PVP Announcement.
@points: Shows the total of your points statuses.
@pvp: Warps you to PVP map.
@quest: Warps you to Quest room.
@resetchar: Reset your other character's position.
@settings: Allows you to auto toggle selected commands upon login.
@sleep: Take a nap. You need it!
@skillcd: Shows the exact cooldown of skills.
@security: Set/Turn your account security status ON/OFF.
@search: Search item/mob in iRO Wiki and RMS.
@seeitems: Shows items or not on the floor (useful for PVP).
@skillcopy: Skill copy command for Rogue/Stalker.
@statsprofiles: A command to save your stats build.
@show_auras: To filter aura effects.
@token: Warps you to token quest room.
@thq: Command that shows the Token quest you've taken and its cooldown.
@viewhg: To filter Upper, Mid and Lower headgear sprite.
@whosell <item name/ID>: Shows list of players that vend the specified item.
OldschoolRO Client Commands
@aoes <on/off>: Display colored areas of AOE skills.
@circle: Toggles circle around your character.
@lgp <on/off>: Enables and disables LGP.
@packetfilter: To filter some features to reduce lag.
@shake: Toggles client shake.
@square <on/off/1-10>: Displays square around the character.
!ping: Shows your ping statistic.
!vsync: With disabled vsync the animations is more smoother.
/invite: Invite someone in your party thru command.
/guildinvite: Invite someone in your guild thru command.
OldschoolRO VIP Commands:
@vip: Shows the VIP Subscription information.
@vipbuffs: To use the VIP Buffs.
@vipstats: Shows your VIP Subscription status.
@jump: Warps to a random coordinate on the current map.
@storeall: Places all inventory and equipped items directly into your storage.
@restock: Automatically restock your supplies from Storage or Guild Storage.
OldschoolRO Battlegrounds Command:
@joinbg: Join and Warps you to Battleground.
@leavebg: Leaves Battleground.
@bgroom: Warps you to Battleground room.
@listenbg: Disable Battleground Announcement.
@reportafk: Report AFK in Battleground.
OldschoolRO KoE Commands:
@koewarp: Warps you to KoE map.
@koerank: Shows Player & Guild kill ranking in current KoE.
@koestats: Shows your KoE Event statistics.
OldschoolRO WoE Commands:
@woe: Warps you to available castle.
@woerank: Shows Player & Guild kill ranking in current WoE.
@woestats: Shows your WoE Event statistics.
OldschoolRO Event Commands:
@joinvoid: To join Void MVP Event.
@joinvm: To join Void Mini Event.
@joinevent: Warps you to current event location hosted by a GM.
OldschoolRO Star Gladiator Commands:
@feelreset: Resets your Star Gladiator's feeling.
@hatredreset: Resets your Star Gladiator's hatred.
Last updated