🪬Charm System

The Charms System empowers players with supplemental buffs to elevate their characters' strength.

By collecting and activating special Charms, you gain access to advantageous effects that complement your core stats and abilities. These can provide offensive boosts, defensive reinforcement, quality-of-life improvements, and much more.

The Charm Manager:

Each classification will have different number of required Ingots.

Offensive Charms consumes nine (9) total ingots. [(3) Aquastone Ingot | (3) Flamestone Ingot | (3) Dragonstone Ingot]

An additional option from the same NPC will appear once you've crafted 100 Normal Charms.

  • The additional option will be asking the 'Charm Enchantress' NPC, if she makes any Rare Charms.

  • Choose this option to be able to craft your very own Rare Charm.

All Charms have (3) tiers as well except for Rare Charms.

All Classification of Charms can take effect together. Ex. 1 Offensive Charm + 1 Defensive Charm + 1 Health or Energy Charm + 1 Rare Charm

Same Classification of Charms can not take effect together. Ex. 1 Offensive Charm + 1 Offensive Charm

Importante Note: If there are 'two' same classification of Charms in your inventory, nothing will take effect, you will have to put the other charms in your storage and keep the one you want to take effect inside your inventory.

This is the Table of Possible Charms you may get:

Offensive Charms List

Defensive Charms List

Health and Energy Charms List

Rares Charms List

Last updated